Bassett Creek Valley Redevelopment Plan
Minneapolis, MN
Work completed while with a different firm
Redevelopment master planning
Design guidelines
Redevelopment finance strategy
Community and stakeholder engagement
Bruce Chamberlain led a three-year urban design and redevelopment planning process for Bassett Creek Valley, an under-developed industrial district at the doorstep of downtown Minneapolis. The effort resulted in community support for a long-term redevelopment vision and associated practical tools including development entitlements, design guidelines and public finance tools for the proposed three thousand housing units, 2.5 million square feet of commercial space and 40 acres of new parkland.
The planning process has become a model for how Minneapolis engages community in transformative yet challenging redevelopment efforts. Because reaching the culturally-diverse surrounding community was so critical to success, the project employed door-to-door communication, coordination with worship communities, dedicated transit rides to public meetings, meeting interpretation/project communication in five languages, and child care services at meetings.