Bde Maka Ska Refectory Rebuild

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Work in collaboration with Cuningham

Image Source: Cuningham

In addition, the design vision embraces a place that leverages the site’s valuable attributes: Integrating land and water, engaging senses, connecting people to place, uncovering its unique story, culture, and history. Within the project vision, there are 4 guiding principles driving towards achieving an equitable environment:

  • Reveal The Legacy: Provide space for performance/storytelling focused on revealing untold stories of the site's cultural history

  • Support Local Economies: Provide economic opportunity through vendor/market space for native and communities of color

  • Honor Land and Water: Protect the viewsheds and mature vegetation of the existing site. Support the health of the lake and improve shoreline conditions

  • Foster Human Connection: Enhance the user experience by designing for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Provide the opportunity for people to connect with nature and one another.


  • Conceptual Design through Construction Administration

  • Site and Landscape Architecture Design

  • Stakeholder and Community Engagement Facilitation

Using the community visioning of the Bde Maka Ska-Harriet Master Plan as a guide, this project seeks to build a new Refectory building and adjacent shoreline site to elevate the site’s rich history and cultural significance; support the contemporary communities’ interests and well-being; be a steward to this unique landscape, and to be inclusive to all while celebrating the diversity of lived experiences of this space.

The project’s purpose focused on designing for a place that contributes to diversity, accessibility, and connectivity removing barriers and promoting racial, social equity, and inclusion. As such opportunities prioritized in concept development focused on:

  • Designing for spaces that all are welcome

  • Designing for accessible spaces

  • Promoting year-round community gathering spaces with programming opportunities

Ana served as the lead landscape architect and Devon served as the Design landscape architect for the project while employed at Cuningham.


MRRT Spring Lake Park Trail


Water Works Riverfront Park